Welcome! You are about to take a test on Lab in the Wild.
How good can you estimate fat content of food? Can you tell just by looking at a meal what percent of it is composed of fat?
The test typically takes 20 minutes to complete.
This study requires a laptop or a tablet. It will not work on a phone. The test may also not work properly on older versions of Internet Explorer. We apologize for not being able to support all browsers.
Welcome! You are about to take a test on Lab in the Wild.
The test typically takes 12-15 minutes to complete.
Please read the following information carefully before proceeding.
Why we are doing this research: We are trying to understand how people make decisions so that we can design Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can help them in decision-making.
What you will have to do: You will be presented with a set of descriptions of different people. Your task is to find the set of exercises that is better suited for a person, given their description. The exercises should be doable by the person, maximize their capabilities, fit their fitness goal, their preference, and their resource. You will also fill out a questionnaire at the beginning and end of the experiment.
Potential risks: There are no risks anticipated in taking part in this study and you are free to leave at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.
Privacy: Your responses will be kept anonymous. We do not collect any information that could be used to directly establish your identity.
Duration: Approximately 12-15 minutes.
By clicking the "I agree" button you confirm that you have read and understood the above and agree to take part in this research. Your participation is voluntary and you are free to leave the experiment at any time by simply closing the web browser.
You will be presented with 33 questions about exercise recommendation. For each question, you will choose the exercise set that is better suited for the person given what you know about them.
Try to answer the questions as accurately as possible.
As before, you will be presented with 15 questions about exercise recommendation.
Try to answer the questions as accurately as possible.
If so...
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How well can you multitask? Compare yourself to others by taking this test!
The test typically takes 10 minutes.
Try it!
If you have any additional thoughts you'd like to share about this test, please email zbucinca@seas.harvard.edu.
Thank you for your participation!
Before we continue to the results, please answer the following two questions: