Test your food intelligence

Welcome! You are about to take a test on Lab in the Wild.

How good is your nutrition gut? Can you tell just by looking at a meal what percent of it is composed of fat?

The test typically takes 20 minutes to complete.

1829 people have completed this test so far.

This study requires a laptop or a tablet. It will not work on a phone. The test may also not work properly on older versions of Internet Explorer. We apologize for not being able to support all browsers.


Welcome! You are about to take a test on Lab in the Wild.

The test typically takes 12-15 minutes to complete.


Please tell us a little bit about yourself. Why?

These questions are optional, but if you could answer at least the first four, that would really help us.

Have you taken this test before? (important)

How old are you? (important)

Compared to your family and friends,
how knowledgeable are you about nutrition? (important)

What is your gender? (important)

How often do you use a computer?

What is the highest level of education you have received or are pursuing?

In what country did you live most of your childhood?

In what country have you spent most of the past five years?


First we want to learn a little bit more about you in order to understand your personal decision style when choosing between options.



You will be presented with 24 questions about exercise recommendation. For each question, you will choose the exercise that is more optimal for the person given what you know about them. The questions will be presented in three parts. In Part 1 and Part 3, you will receive no AI assistance. Whereas, in Part 2 of the activity, you may receive assistance from AI that are currently being developed to make exercise recommendations.

Here is what a typical question looks like:

example of a question you will be asked in this test

Try to answer the questions as accurately as possible.

Great Job :)!

The main source of carbohydrates on this plate is: mashed potatoes.

Now for the real deal. It'll be the same as the practice you just took.

When you're ready, press next to begin the test!

Question out of

Question goes here

By taking into account the information below find an optimal physical activity.

Some people's choice

Some people would choose mashed potatoes for .

AI suggestion

The AI suggests mashed potatoes as the optimal exercise for .

AI explanation

AI suggestion

The AI suggests mashed potatoes as the optimal exercise for .

AI explanation

AI suggested caution

AI suggested caution

Here's a snippet from a conversation between two AI agents that may help you with your decision:

Hi, how can I help you today?
AI Agent 1
I'm looking for information on HTML.
AI Agent 2


How was your experience?


How mentally demanding was understanding how this AI makes decisions?

    Very high


Now, you will complete the second part of the test!


As before, you will be presented with 15 questions about exercise recommendation.

Try to answer the questions as accurately as possible.


You're halfway through! How was your experience?


Thank you for your participation!

Before we continue to the results, please answer the following two questions:

Did you encounter any technical difficulties or interruptions during this study?  

Did you cheat or in any way provide false information? If yes, how?  

Do you have any comments for the researcher? Questions, Suggestions, or Concerns?

Press and hold to speak your comment.

Write your comment


Overall, you answered % of questions correctly.

Other people, who took the same test, answered on average % of the questions correctly.

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3. And check out LabintheWild for more test!

Multitasking Test

How well can you multitask? Compare yourself to others by taking this test!
The test typically takes 10 minutes. Try it!


If you have any additional thoughts you'd like to share about this test, please email zbucinca@seas.harvard.edu.